We spent the weekend in Tathra, a small beach town on the southeastern coast of New South Wales. The director of the Australian American Fulbright Association, Mark Darby, has a house there, and invited us down. It was just painfully beautiful, with pristine water, fantastic birds, and unspoiled and uncrowded beaches.
Here's the view of Tathra beach from the front deck of the house.

Here's the view of Tathra beach from the front deck of the house.

Mark is an avid swimmer and surfer, and offered to teach us all how to surf. I actually took to it quite easily, andwas hanging ten in no time at all:
Here's Sydney on a boogie board:
And Adam:
OK; I'll get caught out eventually. Here's a real picture of me catching a wave, with Mark in the background:
And here's the result (the kids absolutely love this picture):
I did manage to stand up on the board, if only for a moment, so it counts as actually surfing. It was great fun. The last time I tried this was in college, and it didn't go as well then, as I wound up bleeding (long story).
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